Tuesday, 3 May 2016

5 Healthy Tips for Eyelid Cysts

Eyelid Cysts (Chalazions)


What is Eyelid Cysts (Chalazions)?

An eyelid cyst, medically known as a chalazion, is a small lump that appears under the skin of the eyelid because of a blocked oil gland. It can develop on the lower or upper eyelid. It is not contagious and is more common in adults than children.

An eyelid cyst is similar to a sty, but it is usually larger and less painful. It is characterized by a localized hard lump and swelling that spreads to the area around the eye and may occasionally cause pain and irritation. When infected, it can become more swollen, red and painful.
The most common cause of eyelid cysts is blockage and inflammation of the oil-producing meibomian glands in the eyelids. People with a history of chalazion and those who often touch their eyelids with unclean hands are more prone to this problem. Some people have naturally thicker Meibomian gland secretions than others, making them susceptible to blocked oil glands leading to chalazions.
Eyelid cysts are usually not serious and only rarely obstruct vision or pose an immediate problem for the eye. Most eyelid cysts heal on their own within 2 to 8 weeks. 
However, you can use 5 home TIPS to help them heal faster
1. Warm Compress

A warm compress is one of the best remedies for eyelid cysts. The heat helps increase blood circulation to the area and promotes drainage of the gland. It also helps reduce pain and swelling.
  • Soak a soft cloth in hot water (clean and sterilized water) and wring out the excess.
  • Hold this warm, moist cloth on your closed eyelid for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Repeat 3 to 4 times a day for 2 weeks.
You can also try facial steaming.

2. Massage
Gently massaging the affected eyelid can help accelerate the process of draining. This will promote quick healing.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Apply a warm compress on your closed eyelid for 5 minutes.
  • Using your fingers, gently massage the area in the upward direction.
  • Massage for 2 to 3 minutes a few times daily.

3. Guava Leaves
Using an infusion prepared from acacia leaves can also help reduce the pain and swelling associated with eyelid cysts, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Heat 2 cups of water and boil a handful of acacia leaves in it.
  • When the solution is comfortably warm, remove the leaves, soak a piece of clean cloth in the solution, and use it as a warm compress.
  • Repeat a few times a day for several days.
  • Note: Make sure you wash the leaves thoroughly before using.

4. Aloe vera

Another effective treatment for eyelid cysts is aloe vera. Its anti-inflammatory property can help reduce redness, swelling and inflammation. In addition, it has antibacterial properties that help fight infection.
  • Cut open a fresh aloe leaf and extract the gel. Apply the gel directly on the affected area. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy a few times daily for a week.
  • Another option is to soak a cotton ball in aloe vera gel for 5 minutes, then apply it on the cyst for 20 minutes. Wait 2 hours, then reapply again. Use this treatment for a week.
Note: Rinse the aloe vera leaf thoroughly before extracting the gel.

5. Maintain Personal Hygiene

When you have an eyelid cyst, maintaining personal hygiene can promote quick recovery. It will also help fight off infection.
  • Wash your eyelids regularly with a little baby shampoo mixed in warm water.
  • Do not share towels or handkerchiefs with anyone, including family members.
  • Wash your hands and fingers thoroughly before touching your eyes.
  • Keep the area around your eyes clean at all times.
  • Try your best not to touch or rub your eyes.
  • If you use cosmetics, stop using them, for some time. Avoid using contact lenses as well.
  • Avoid sharing your eye makeup, even with those closest to you.
  • Replace eye makeup, especially mascara, at least every 6 months.
  • Protect your eyes from dust and air pollution.
  • Do not squeeze or scratch the cyst. Let it open on its own.
find your more health tips - http://healthshinetips.blogspot.in