Monday 21 March 2016

Baby Health Shine Tips

The Benefits of Water Splash Play for Child babies  

  • Balance and Strength - Summer time is perfect time to water splash play for children. Playing in the water may help children grow and develop in these essential ways.your child is just splashing around, water play can help improve children’s balance and strength.The simplest activities like clapping your hands or jumping are a whole new sensory experience. Children can experiment without worrying about falling or crashing into hard surfaces. Water also adds resistance so water play activities work as strength training. It takes more muscle strength to move arms and legs through water then it does through air.

You can see in video - How can enjoy with water child baby.  

  • Floating and Splashing -  Floating and Splashing is good exercise for children and growing health.When children swim, dance, throw objects or practice any movement in water they’re developing coordination.Water play allows children to explore and interact with each other.
  • Healthy Fun and Prevents Water play can be a fun and healthy summer activity its also allow children the opportunity to practice many valuable skills.  
  • Prevents for child babies - 
  • It is important to remember to never let children play in or nearby water unsupervised. 
  • Don’t allow children to play with harmful water toys approved toys.
  • Do not trust flotation devices solely to support a child if that child cannot swim.

Friday 18 March 2016

Take care of your body and it will take care of you

Health tips always helpful to guide right quality and quantity of foods  for eating .Life is maintained by certain processes like nutrition, respiration, circulation, excretion, reproduction, etc.

 Nutrition - The intake of food (nutrients) and its subsequent    utilization for growth, development and maintenance of body.
 Nutrients - The substance which provide nourishment e.g.,  Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, etc.
              Respiration - Oxidation of food (glucose) to release energy for  maintenance of life processes.
     Excretion ­­­- Removal of waste products produced as a result of  metabolic processes from the body.
     Bile juice - The secretion of liver which contain lot of salt for  emulsification of fats. The bile juice in body which secretes  digestive juice - bile.
     Hemoglobin - The red coloured protein present in the blood  which  transports.
          Blood Pressure - The force that blood exerts against the wall of a  blood vessel is called blood pressure.
     Hypertension - High blood pressure is called hypertension.
     Platelets - The blood corpuscles which help in clotting of blood at  the injured site and stop the bleeding.
         Digestion process The process of simplification of complex food articles into absorb able soluble simple substances, with the help of enzymes.
    Moral of health tip  -  "Take good diet live right"